Saturday, June 26, 2010

Miles Allan Libert

Our entire world has changed since the last post! Miles Allan was born Tuesday, June 22 at 3:43 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs 9 oz and measured 20.5 inches.

The induction went better than I anticipated. We "checked in" at the hospital Tuesday morning at 12 a.m. After 90 minutes of getting settled, my IV of pitocin began and we slept as much as we could. By 6 a.m., my contractions were steady and getting stronger. My doctor came by around 7 a.m. and broke my water which sped up the contractions to about 90 seconds apart. The wonderful epidural arrived around 9:15 a.m. So far so good!

Dilation took the longest... well, 2-5 took 3-4 hours. 5-8 took 1.5 hours and then I was a 10 and ready to push around 2:15. This was definitely the scariest part. Holy crap. No book or class could have prepared us for this. Unfortunately, the baby had flipped over and decided to come out sunny side up instead of face down. (I did the same thing, apparently, so Miles takes after mommy on this.)

My pelvis didn't want to accommodate Miles' 14 in. head and chest so pushing was a challenge. It may have been an easier angle had he been face down (so I hear). After a little over an hour of pushing, my doctor grabbed the forceps and pulled Miles out (breaking my tailbone in the process). Ben didn't get to "officially" cut the cord because it was wrapped around Miles' neck. It took us all a few seconds to realize IT'S A BOY!! Our little guy was so shocked from the forceps and cord that it took him a few seconds to get a cry out. When he did it was the most the beautiful sound I've ever heard.

Ben was a great coach and my mom being in the room was super helpful too. I couldn't have done it without their encouragement and support.

Even now as I write this I can't believe it's over. We did it!


Jenny said...

Congratulations! I can't believe we all ended up in the "Mommy's of Sons" club! Sounds like things went well--He was the same size as Owen, only just a smidge longer--so I know the feeling of forceps. Sorry about your tailbone though!! Enjoy yourselves!

Lynn B. said...

I'm finally getting on the blogs to catch up. Good photos!! Can't wait to meet him.