Thursday, June 5, 2008

it's a girl...

were the words my mom and family heard 30 years ago today! And a big girl at 8 lbs. 12 oz. and 21.5 inches.

My mom and nan had agreed on my name beforehand if I was a girl so she was excited to tell nan the baby was here and it was a Melissa Marie. When my mom called to tell nan (who was back in IL; I was born in KS) around 45 minutes after I was born at 2 a.m., nan said papa was standing in the kitchen in his underwear waiting for the news. I never heard that part of the story until this year, and I've heard The Story of My Birth for as long as I can remember.

I've heard if I had been the first child born I'd have been the last. Surely that is an exaggeration.

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