Tuesday, December 4, 2007

small town perks

I've been making numerous trips to Chicago lately and the extremely boring 120 mile trek gives me plenty of time to think about the pros and cons of living in a small town.

Here are my top pros:

1. There is virtually NO traffic. Rush hour is from 5-5:15pm instead of 4-7pm. You can get anywhere in town in about 15 minutes.

2. Nearly every business has a drive-thru window. I can run errands without getting out of the car (hey, this comes in handy in the sub-zero temps). I enjoy my coffee while I hit the bank, dry cleaners, and the pharmacy from the comfort of T-Bone (yes, our car has a name).

3. You can actually find items in stock at Target. It's heaven.

4. Parking is EASY and FREE! Seriously!

5. And last but not least, the cost of living in a small town is a fraction, a tiny fraction, of the cost of a big city.

All that being said, there are some definite cons too...I'll address those next.


Unknown said...

I miss city life too, but the small town has its distinct advantages.

Although in terms of traffic, there are no fewer jerkfaceheads per capita.

Rella said...

I miss the small town (well Bloomington!) but then again I have never lived in the "city"