Monday, February 11, 2013


Miles had his 2.5 check-up right after the holidays, and I must have forgotten to post about it in the midst of all the craziness.

He's 36 1/4 in and 32 1/2 lbs -- between 50-75% on both. We've been mostly healthy -- a few colds here and there -- and Miles had a weird 3-day fever, but I think we're luckier than most this season.

Miles has had some pretty bad terrible twos days. Saying no to whatever we ask, running away when it's time to get dressed, eat, bathe, etc., occasionally hitting or throwing things...And he's cutting his 2 year molars finally so I think some of it is acting out because he's frustrated and in pain. As with most toddlers I know, some days are great and others not so great.

One of the newer things Miles really enjoys is helping in the kitchen. He wants to pour, stir, open, close, press buttons, etc. whenever he can. I'm pretty sure he could make his own oatmeal, save for the hot water addition, if I'd let him. Though each and every step takes longer, and is usually messier, it's a joy to help him and foster his growing culinary skills.   

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